Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Weekend means?

A portraiture of Al-Malek & Raihan taken at CapSquare, Kuala Lumpur

1. Sepanjang aku kerja nie, aku Xpernah merasa keseronokkan weekend. Almost every week weekend aku penuh. Full with activities. Nak bersosial pun mcm tak ada masa. Mary Digby byk kali call aku, then aku terpaksa reject. Xsempat nk dating ngan dia... Aku rasa mcm dah overused badan aku nie. Letih sangat-sangat... seriously. Semalam aku depart from JB pukul 1pagi and sampai melaka pukul 8pagi. Great! Penat sampai ke tulang. Aku rase mengantuk sangat. So aku singgah di R&R Machap utk tido. Then aku sambung perjalanan. Baru few kilometers dah mengantuk balik... aku pun buat keputusan drastik utk singgah R&R Bemban. There, i slept till morning. Sedar-sedar dah panass ....Padan muka, kelam kabut aku balik kampus.

2. Ape pun aku bersyukur last weekend on the 04.04.2010 aku berjaya dapatkan ape yang aku inginkan. Akhirnya, setelah lama menunggu dapat jugak benda nie. hehehe =) BTW, PC Fair at Persada Johor Bahru mmg cool. Xpernak aku tgk orang jual broadband macam jual ikan kat pasar. And kadang-kadang aku rasa harga ikan, udang n sotong lebih mahal dari broadband tu... Cayalahh !!! Akulah orang yg paling cool setahun dulu utk membeli broadband package for RM399.00. Sekarang u just have to pay RM68.00 for the service plus u can get free modem, free tshirt, free thumbdrive etc...instead of mine last time only got free resit ..... what the fish ....

3. Ohh Blackberry ...

After 14months or 3 and a half month duration of time (since 14 Dec 2009) this blog hits 30000 number of visitors today. Im very glad and happy, still a lot of people out there spend time, coming and visit this blog. Hope I would make the entry better and better next time... to make it more informative and useful to all readers. Thanks ... CHEERS!!!


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